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We operate with the most modern computer simulation techniques, as well as, the solid experience of our professionals with agricultural and industrial machines and equipment from the most diverse sectors.

FEM (Finite Element Method)


The finite element method is a numerical method of computational simulation used to predict the structural behavior of agricultural and industrial equipment, when affected by real world forces, such as: vibration, applied forces, torques or even known displacements.  


They are the results of a FEM analysis: possible breaks, durability and optimization of the parts for mass reduction and increase the robustness of the equipment. So that before the manufacture can guarantee the correct, reliable and safe operation of an equipment.


DEM (Discrete Element Method)

By means of numerical simulations using the discrete element method, the behavior of granular materials can be represented, being a versatile tool to simulate several applications in the agroindustry, allowing the development of machines and equipment dedicated to the handling of raw materials, such as : storage silos, bulk material conveyors, screen separation, mixers, dryers, soil preparation implements, planters, harvesters, among others.


Some examples of raw materials are: coal, rocks, rice, coffee grains and corn, fertilizers, sugarcane, soils, among others.

CFD (Computacional Fluid Dynamics)

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), using fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and the finite volume method (FVM), can analyze fluid flows simulating the interaction of liquids and gases at different pressures and temperatures, evaluate the suspension, velocity and drag of the particles, aiming the development of projects in various fields, such as: fans, exhaust fans, dryers, extractors, turbines and boilers. 




MBD (Multibody Dynamic)


A multibody dynamic system (MBD) studies the dynamics of multibody systems that are connected to each other by joints that restrict their relative movement.


The application of MBD is when we want to analyze the overall behavior of the mechanical system under the influence of external forces or dynamic loads. This analysis allows to determine the maximum loads in which an equipment is submitted when carrying out its work under extreme conditions, for example:


  • Mechanism modeling: articulated arms; drive mechanisms, 4 bar linkage, gears, among others.
  • Motion study of Cames;
  • Survey of the forces and moments of reactions in which a machine is submitted, when traveling in an irregular soil with obstacles.
  • Lateral and longitudinal stability of self-propelled equipments.


Walking the trends related to Engineering 4.0, the coupling of the above techniques allows to simulate the general behavior of an equipment, leaving to treat the different models independently, to perform them simultaneously, including in each one the influence of the results of the other and vice versa.


For example, a pneumatic separation apparatus in which a flow of air blown over a mixture of dense and light particles promotes the drag of the light particles. In this type of simulation there is the coupling between the CFD physics and the DEM to allow the calculation of the drag, as well as the resistance to the passage of the air flow through the environment full of particles in addition to measuring the cleaning efficiency.


Another example is that soil undulations cause dynamic loads on the moving parts of an agricultural machine's suspension (MBD), these loads are exported to a structural analysis (FEM) to quantify the stresses on which the arms are being subjected. Thus, we have a much more complete structural calculation because it is based on dynamic, rather than static, efforts that are usually applied in conventional structural designs.



Application of all these techniques working together, SOFIEN becomes a leader in realizing systems and designs of machines based on the overall understanding of the equipment operation, ensuring much more assertiveness in their products.  



We also work with the physical development of machines and equipments.



Computational simulation of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits, aiming at improvement and automation. Programming of controllers, actuators and construction of industrial and mobile automation networks. In addition to the assembly and testing of prototypes.


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We operate in the field tests of equipment and prototypes, developed or not by SOFIEN, always evaluating the most significant indicators for each operation, such as: planting and harvesting losses, soil compaction, crop damage, operational capacity and productivity in the field.


SOFIEN also performs tests in a controlled environment, mainly to verify indicators that cannot be diagnosed in the field, such as invisible losses in the harvest, as well as to evaluate separately the influence of each component in the overall operation of the machine, to verify security systems and adjustments in the electrical and hydraulic control of the equipment.



SOFIEN counts on a technical team qualified to carry out mechanical, hydraulic and electrical projects of agricultural and industrial machines, as well as, to make feasible the manufacture of these equipment, through a network of partner companies specialized in boiler making, precision machining and assembly of complex equipment in the region of Campinas/SP.